The traditional Banga is a mud or coconut-leaf house. Huts are normally small- made by the boy of the house that want some independance from his family. Often painted with fun: here we have the "white house"....

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High Qualified MMO/PAM Training course

Menkab el respiro del mare and Moidjio CRCAD are joining forces to provide High Qualified MMO courses in Savona, Italy in the middle of the Pelagos sanctuary.
It is an accredited course by ACCOBAMS permanent secretary and will give you the opportunity to become one of the rare High Qualified Marine Mammal observer.
This allow you to work as an MMO in the Mediterranean and Black sea and Atlantic ocean.

4 days of survey

3 days of class

Industry tools/workshop

Expert courses

Hands on

in depth acoustic

High diversity of species

Fully equipped research vessel

Professional certification
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High Qualified ACCOBAMS MMO (Marine Mammals Observer) training in Pelagos sanctuary, Savona, Italy.
Menkab el respire del mare and Moidjio CRCAD are offering a 7 days Marine Mammal Observer course with “High qualified MMO” certification for the ACCOBAMS region. The course is accredited by ACCOBAMS and will allow you to become part of a growing professional activity in need of high-qualified experts. More and more industrial and military activities are identified as creating disturbance to marine life and mitigation procedures are put together in order to limit the impact of such activities on marine life. In order to implement mitigation procedures, ACCOBAMS has created guidelines specific to it region. To implement these guidelines on impacting activities such as Seismic surveys, Bathymetry survey, pile driving, sonar activities, pipe-line laying, explosive use, dredging, sub-water buildings, a team of Observer are placed onboard to advise, observe and report on compliance with ACCOBAMS guidelines.
Our course is accredited by the ACCOBAMS permanent secretariat and will provide the professional with a full insight of the MMO career and responsibilities with a 7 days intensive course, including 4 days at sea to take the chance to encounter and learn about all the species of the Pelagos sanctuary and 3 days intensive Courses.
Our research team is expert with more than 15 years experience.
The Pelagos sanctuary welcomes a variety of species and observations are guaranteed: Sperm whales, Cuvier Beaked whales, Fin whales, Pilot whales, Risso's dolphins, Striped dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Common dolphins.
To integrate a training to become an ACCOBAMS highly qualified MMO, the candidate should, at least, be graduated in biology or ecology, or demonstrate a commitment to environment and its conservation. Personal path should demonstrate a minimum of 30 days at-sea as observer (real spent in favourable condition at sea at work), and the candidate should be able to recognize the different species and understand the behaviour of animals at sea. Period could be continuous or cumulative. Be able to communicate in English language.
To become “Highly qualified MMO”, the candidate should be able to demonstrate 90 days experience in the relevant role as MMO or/and PAM operator. ACCOBAMS trainers will provide certificate of the training and candidate should be able to provide records of relevant experience to employers or regulators if necessary (eg. : seaman’s book or letters of reference).
The candidate should provide all necessary information to the trainer organism (dates, places, species encountered, type of work done at sea).
The course fee is of 700 Euros per person and there is possibility to lodge at nearby B&B at special Menkab friend rate of 30 Euros per night.
Course content:
Presentation of the High Quality MMO/PAM certificate of ACCOBAMS
2. Introduction to under water acoustics
3. Introduction to marine mammals and acoustics
4. Introduction to human activities generating impulsive noise
5. Introduction to existing regulations and ACCOBAMS Guidelines
6. Introduction to the role of MMO/PAM
7. Introduction to the “life style” onboard
Cetaceans and turtles survey content:
1. Learn Observation skills
2. Learn how to use efficiently binoculars, range sticks and GPS
3. Learn how to fill and report observations
4. Learn the right attitude for mitigation
5. Learn species ID
Passive Acoustic monitoring:
1. Learn to assemble and install PAM gears
2. Learn to use PAMGUARD for marine mammals live detection
3. Learn to set your own configurations
4. Learn about marine mammals vocalisation and
how to set PAMGUARD to detect them.
5. Learn the principles of bioacoustic for signals interpretation.
6. Learn Raven pro for acoustic analyses.
In order to register, please contact our team at: