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The traditional Banga is a mud or coconut-leaf house. Huts are normally small- made by the boy of the house that want some independance from his family. Often painted with fun: here we have the "white house"....
Welcome, Bienvenu, Bienvenido, Willkommen, Karibou
Marine mammals volunteering
Wow and 1,2,3.... Humpback whales ! and what ? 200-300 electra dolphins ! What a good day ! It is not
always like this but it is very likely that you will experience such a day when volunteering for Moidjio
CRCAD. You come to study the wild cetaceans of the islands of the moon. Moheli and Grande
Comores are maybe one of the most remarkable place to study cetaceans with peace of mind. A group of humpback whale is migrating up from Antarctica, using ancient routes along the east Africa, it is called the C group. It migrates along 4 corridors. The C1 group is taking the route South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya. The C2 group is going along the west coat of Madagascar to come and breed in Comoros, North west Madagascar and south islands of Seychelles. The C3 group is migrating along the East coast of Madagascar and breed in St Marie and the C4 group go up to Reunion island, Mauritius. Our C2 group is coming to Comoros to meet, reproduce, give birth and educate the little new born calves. We are crossing different groups of different composition but with a large majority of duo (Mother and calf), then single (males, or very pregnant female ready to pop or teenagers just in quest of independence) and finally group of competitive males fighting for the heart of the beloved one !
What will be your duty as a Volunteer ?
You have to believe that being a volunteer is full of responsibilities and in no way a passive commitment. You have chosen to come and volunteer for us and this involves a few duties. We would like to underline that we are not a holiday resort and not a whale watching company, we are collecting important data for marine mammal conservation in the Comoros. We are awaiting for a real engagement and initiatives from you for the project.
This includes:
Participating to all boat surveys and :
- Spot whales, dolphins, dugongs and turtles.
- help with photo-identification of animals
- help with video footage of animals
- help with recording of behaviour (taking notes)
- help with boat preparation, equipment loading,
boat unloading too.
- help with acoustic devices deployment
- help with genetic sampling (if operated)
At camp:
- Beach cleaning
- help with food preparation, fire maintenance, wood collection, pealing etc...
- Team spirit, sharing experiences, your talents (music or what ever) and time, aperitifs....
- Data entry and analyse, photo id comparison.
- Participate to talks or presentation to the village or school or other (depending on plans) .
Whales and Dolphins research volunteers : £350 per week (discount if you stay more than 3 weeks).
Includes: Accomodation in bungalows and/or tents, food (3 meal a day), transport from airport to field station, boat hire and petrol, guides, scientific training, excursions.
Spinner dolphins
Bottlenose dolphins
Melon headed dolphins
Fraser's dolphins
Pantropical dolphins
Rissos dolphins
Pgmy killer whale
False Killer whales
Humpback whale
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